Bittrex delisting privacy coins

Hey guys,

so bittrex just announced they will remove monero, zcash and dash from their exchange. What do you guys think this will mean for privacy coins in general and incognito specifically?

Cheers scooter


Great news for Incognito, as we are one of only a few possibilities to buy XMR now. And even better without KYC. So I think this is a great development for more and faster adoption of decentralization. Within a few years I guess everything will be running decentralized and even the fiat on/of ramps (if still needed) will be solved decentralized aka p2p etc.


I am not sure it’s the only DEX (bisq for example trades it as well and I am pretty sure many more). But what I do think is that a DEX that connects as sidechains to other blockchains does indeed have a bright future in the wake of tighter regulations on privacy coins!


I’m taking the opportunity to inform some people on Twitter concerned about this of Incognito.


This is a great opportunity to go out there and show people incognito exists and there is no kyc needed!

Should also repeat this message on monero section of dred :


Or any links on here:

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