[Rollbacked] Accidentally update Incognito app.

Hello Jared, I just took off my email from the google spreadsheet since I don’t feel comfortable. Can you private message me so I can provide a gmail account? Also I do not see my funds. Please help!

None of these steps are working. Please advice ASAP

@Rafael_Beltre, and everyone else. We now have a link for install:


Worked well thanks. Now about my prose being slashed can we get that addressed!!


If you have pNode issues message @Support

Hi all, we just updated an easier way to get the old app version back in the original post, you don’t need to disclose your icloud email. Sorry again for the inconvenience.


Welp I don’t have access to my funds

Hi, how do I locate the link to restore my wallet after the update to my iPhone


My Apple Store automatically upgraded me, so I had a surprise in my wallet of 0 funds. No worries, I reinstalled the old version from Test Flight and it works fine now.

Looks like you guys have been busy and are rolling out a completely redesigned UI!


iOS auto updated, funds not visible. Can I just leave it alone till there’s another update? I’m fine with waiting a few days or weeks instead of spending time restoring or rolling back.

Yes the backend services will rollout soon and everything will work as it should in the app.


20 minutes later :joy:



Are you implying the rollout happened already? Because I still have no funds in my app.

No, it was just a joke :slight_smile:

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So I’ll get my coins I’m missing back in a few days or am I screwed?

You can follow the instructions to roll back to the older version or wait until the new one is released. Your coins are still in your wallet, however, the new app does not see them yet.

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Thanks for quick response. I guess I’ll give it a few days and wait. If it’s going to be weeks then I’ll go the old version. Did they give a date?

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Can you do a step by step to restore the old version please. Go to this link and test flight this or that doesn’t cut it. You all screwed up royally with iOS on this shit. iOS users have absolutely no access to anything because you all released the upgrade without proper deployment first. And this wallet sucks now. I’m done with you all after this, and I’m sure many are in the same boat. This is the worse upgrade in the history of upgrades.