abduraman - InQuery - In Cognito We Query

Hey @RobynFitzooth,

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

As for your suggestion, I have a plan to make the main domain (tipcoin.app) a hub for both Tipcoin and Incognito Ecosystem but I need some time.

is that what impermenant loss is? when you are the buy then seller of two immediate transactions and 30% of value poofs into thin are like this?


At a very basic level, impermanent loss is the difference in value between the combined amount of assets someone places into a liquidity pool – at any given time, versus the value of those same assets if just HODLed – at the same time. To be clear, this is a very crude definition that glosses over a lot of detail. However @andrey has a very nice detailed explainer posted on this very forum.

What you are describing is called slippage. Slippage is the difference in the expected cost of a trade and the executed cost of a trade due to factors such as volatility, liquidity and asset momentum.


thats cool… i did a test selling like 10 prv for something… got 100,000 of the other coin, the immediately sold the 100,000 for prv and only for like 6.8 prv back. to me 2.2 prv poofed into the void. doesnt make ANY sence to me


It’s me, The Stealer.

I launched inQuery on 20th Dec and please see below:

Region capture 112

What do you think about whether this is just a coincidence or not?


@andrey give this guy a raise! :raised_hands:

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@abduraman love your work.

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:warning: The team is working on the fee API. That’s why you see -9001 error. I’m in communication with the team. :warning:

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Since last week, having issues getting data to load. API issue in progress? Your website is an essential tool for this platform! Thanks

If you mean the fees, I hope I’ll handle the problem today or tomorrow. Will update here.

If you mean the exchange prices, I do not notice it. Could you send any screenshot?

The withdraw fees have not been displaying for several days. Did you know about this?

Of course :slight_smile:

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Sorry–I should have scrolled up LOL

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:mega: Fixed :mega:

Note: Please refresh the page if it is already open.

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exchange prices; I have to refresh the page a few times to get the Binance Oracle data to display

sometimes Kraken displays without Binance, and sometimes neither of them loads. this is happening to me in Firefox on iOS

thank you for restoring fee display!

No need to refresh the page. In fact, it may not solve the problem :slight_smile: Just click any tab and wait for 2-3 seconds.

Please let us know how we can help restore access to Inquery


Agreed. Way late to the party here, but wanna join others in say that this project is incredible. Great work, @abduraman.

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Me too! I wish it was back online

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Hello, @abduraman. Do you have an endpoin or api to get the price of unshield for USDT? Thanks!