200+ New Validators in the last 24 hours!

Now, I have a question. Who requested to unstake 25 node at once? :slight_smile:


LOL, I don’t know but I can tell it’s never dull in here! :smiley:


I think we should change the focus of marketing from privacy to DeFi :slight_smile: Nearly all projects whose descriptions contain “DeFi” word go to the moon. Even CZ has added DeFi word to new Binance chain :slight_smile:


This is a question for anyone, people on Telegram are wondering about the increase in apparently 184 new nodes activated by the team specifically.
I was wondering: how many nodes are online currently, and how many do the team activity own?
Also, is there a topic that discusses this addition done by the team and was there a heads up given to the community like on the new bulletin area of the app?
Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:


hey @Jerry_Watson - moved your topic here where the discussion is.

there’s more info in andreys reply above:

this means everyone who uses Provide, is running/partially running these Nodes. All PRV in Provide is from users.

We could have staggered the addition a little more, but the devs in question have been extremely busy and did so once they had a bit of space to breathe. We’ll make a concerted effort to be more gradual in the future, but this has been the mechanism set out from the beginning. The community will sometimes see big additions, sometimes maybe big reductions, and so on. Entirely based on user behavior.

The team runs 176 fixed nodes. The number of nodes we run for users via Provide, is dynamic, entirely based on the amount of user deposits. Right now, we’re at about 500.

As for how many validators are online right now, incscan has a great real-time chart.


We do, pUniswap is coming. Liquidity is growing. More and more user trade other coins like ETH -> PRV -> BTC. With cross pool it will be even more smooth.


Any near plans to add another coin to Provide?

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that depends on what the pdex needs (in-demand pools that need more liquidity), as well as interest from external communities/our own community.

is there a particular coin you have in mind?

Link Ren Matic would all be great but link in 1st for me cause I’m sitting on a bit. :nerd_face:

gotcha. we’ll look into what pdex activity is like, and whether these projects would like to cross-promote. cc-ing @elena here who handles our partnerships.


We had a call with Matic team last Friday. Exploring opportunities around.
Regarding Ren, the core team is not that interested in partnerships, but community might be. Worth to explore more.


I should also have mentioned KNC only because of the current tie in with Kyber network. Also I see that one more of community interest, because allot of users who started with the Kyberdao left because of the voting and rewards vs gas. You had to be sitting on quite a bit of KNC to make staking worth while. Incognito would have been an ideal fit for many of them. Even though I’m on Kyberdao and voting in epochs and earning ok rewards if incognito added that coin I’d move 16K in a heartbeat.

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I think those three projects sounds quite interesting. And we are in communication with all of them. We will offer such collaboration to Matic, Ren, Kyber. We’ll keep you guys updated.