1500 nodes for 80 slots? How true is that?

Is there or will there be any ideas going forth concerning partial funding to increase one’s inherent percentage? instead of the full 1750 prv? Perhaps a structured incremental system that can increase for the node owner

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I don’t know the details on when, where and how things were advertised and changed. Might be something @duy may have and answer to.

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Thanks Jamie!

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I like that idea.

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at the end of the day, the pnode is a great investment. It has a 8-10 month ROI which is better than most miners on the market. Plus, PRV may Moon and that’s the hope.


@Ssmccul It was my fault. At the same time many things around the chain changing in progress, and as you see we experiment a lot with different approaches. So we should be ready for more experiments.


part of the problem may be in the sales page. Seems it needs updated with the times:

From the page: "Earning approximately 65 PRV a month, Node will pay for itself in under a year. "

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@annie what are the numbers like now?