I'm Gonna Be Sick šŸ¤® - Lost Money on Trade

I needed to withdraw some crypto for a purchase so I traded my PRV to Eth because I know thatā€™s one of the liquidity pools and I provide liquidity to that pool as well. I checked the price of one PRV to ETH and it was as expected so I proceeded to trade 8000 PRV to ETH but since it was a large amount the amount of ETH Iā€™d receive would go significantly down and I didnā€™t catch this until I had already hit initiate trade. :face_vomiting::weary::sob:

Just lost 2200 USD in the click of a button. It stings quite a bit.


Ouch, that is a lot of money.

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Damn, what made you decide to go for ETH instead of pUSDC or pUSDT?

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I think there should be a warning if the trade is significantly lower than the general market price of the assets youā€™re trading.

Honestly, this issue is one of the biggest sticking points in making Incognito intuitive and palatable for new users. No one wants to lose two grand in the click of a button. The data that is available in the app to warn you is easy to overlook, especially for people new to the system. @Jared even knew to look, and it still stung him. I think there needs to be a way to catch and undo our errors in trades.


Same thought. I suffered the same situation the first time I trade large amount on pDex. Did not realize those small number actually changed alot with large trade.


At the time it was the best choice being 78Ā¢ per coin as it wouldnā€™t have mattered which coin I withdrew from Incognito because I was planning on exchanging for USD outside the network.

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The system is definitely not new user friendly. I believe at bare minimum the trade screen should indicate if the trade pair has low liquidity on the app. I would have never imagined that the PRV ~ ETH pair would have been low due to it being a main liquidity pair mentioned in the post about 67.5% / 8.5%.

I donā€™t believe there will ever be an option to undo our errors in trading.


If you donā€™t mind saying, how much did you lose from this?

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By ā€œundo,ā€ I really mean ā€œcancel.ā€ The system would warn you that low liquidity has dwarfed your output, and youā€™d get a chance to say, uh, no thanks. Sorry youā€™re going through this, Jared. I kind of feel sick for you.


Thanks I appreciate it. Hoping PRV will continue upward to recoop the losses. Definitely will be more careful moving forward.


@Jared @nchicongā€¦ weā€™re on it. will ship an update soon with price slippage detection & warning. cc @ning @tien @duc


Amazing that will be great!

I also lost hundreds of dollars when I was new to the pDEX for these reasons. Just didnt realize it. Learned the hard way.


@Mike_Despo pdex is trustlessā€¦ there is really nothing that we can doā€¦

you mentioned youā€™re in nyc right? iā€™m mostly around the uws. what i can do though is to buy you a drink once this covid19 is over!


@duy, thank you for responding. I think weā€™re all just grateful that Incognito is going to address the problem with a warning. This company has an awesome development team. Really appreciate your attentiveness to the community.


Its ok I understand, I wouldnt expect that, in terms of a refund or anything. It is what it is.

Yes I worked on 19th/Park! (before I was laid off recently)
Drinks it is then.
Iā€™m also a bartender so I could make you a drink if youā€™re ever around that area when my place reopens.


I imagine it is less a problem for new users because they read. When you are unfamiliar with something, especially when it involves your money, you read. When you think you know, you just tap ā€œnext, next, nextā€.

This is a lesson learned the hard way. The amount you lost is more than a pay check for many people. But also have to say, when you enter the amount you want to trade, the amount you will receive is updated instantly, on the same screen, in large font.

Letā€™s hope everyone reads your post.


It is an issue without there being an explicit warning of some kind of. There is nothing to read.


I thought it would explain itself with the default next, next, next, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case.

you enter 1, and read the amount of coins to receive
you enter the desired amount, and donā€™t read but tap trade
a confirm screen pops up, you donā€™t read, you tap confirm or whatever it says.

There is plenty to read.
It is the automated ā€œdonā€™t read just continueā€ mode that people used to crypto are in that causes the problem.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s realistic to expect of a user, especially a new one, and itā€™s not intuitive. You build products to assist the user, not blame them for ā€œnot readingā€ when something is designed without the userā€™s best experience in mind, and they consequently lose money. Thatā€™s just justification of a failure.
People donā€™t expect the exchange rate to change so drastically for larger trades. Even just losing out on $20 a trade would add up over time to a lot of money.

But as Duy stated above, they are updating the app to include a warning - which is the responsible thing to do.


@Dog, I donā€™t necessarily disagree with you. People should read, youā€™re right. I also feel for others when they make mistakes, and I agree with Mike that products should be comfortable for the user. Products should provide just-in-time learning and safeguard the user. I am glad Incognito is adding a warning.