Exchange rates vs market value

I’ve been converting xyo. I’ve been surprised at the low value of exchange vs market value of the coin. Getting a quote of roughly 12 USDC for $30 worth of xyo. Is this true for all coins, or is it a liquidity issue?

Liquidity issue. There are ~49,000 XYO tokens in the pDEX. That’s just ~$128 market value. To reduce slippage, the amount of XYO & PRV in the pool would need to be much higher.

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Ok, that was my guess. But I don’t have much other experience here yet. So BTC and ETH more closely track market values?

Yes, those pools have a lot more liquidity, so the slippage on most trades is minimal.

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Keep in mind, the more impact the amount you want to trade has on the present trading pool, the more the price will change.

In other words. When you check 1 BTC to USDT, you get a better rate than when you check 100 BTC to USDT.

Check the trade amounts closely before confirming a trade.