$100 million in crypto shielded (anonymized) on Incognito


Tuesday, March 30th - The Incognito mainnet launched 16 months ago. Ever since then, thousands of people from around the world have used the tools of the Incognito ecosystem to take their privacy back. As of today, more than $100,000,000 worth of crypto has been shielded in the Incognito network, to then be used or held anonymously.

As shield volume has increased, so has trading volume. Shielded crypto is often supplied as liquidity, or traded anonymously for any of of more than a hundred supported assets in the pDEX. Today, total trading volume exceed $224,000,000, with a daily average of $2,000,000.

Recently, it was announced that Incognito is focusing on decentralization, and pausing all growth and layer-2 efforts that aren’t in line with that goal until it has been completed. But thanks to the sustained rapid and long-term growth Incognito has experienced since its inception, a pause on growth efforts will likely have no effect on the project’s growth. Further, the renewed focus on improving the foundations of the Incognito ecosystem should catalyze further growth without targeted campaigns.

What do you think? Do you store your crypto anonymously on Incognito? Why, or why not?