Where is monero?

I went to find XMR on the dex and it’s not showing up. Why?

Did you try typing it in the search field?

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I can see it but looks like it can only be traded against PRV and BTC right now.

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No usdc?

No, so far I can see only these two pairs.

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Hi @Brakley!

At the moment XMR can be traded only with PRV token and BTC.

But, this month we are planning to launch cross-pool trading. It will allow users to trade XMR with all tokens on the Incognito DEX. You can check the progress and more details here.


Also, if you want to trade to BTC, I recommend you to use XMR -> PRV -> BTC. Coz BTC <> XMR pool is almost empty, it will affect coin prices.

The good news for everyone is that we work on functionality which allows you to trade XMR to any available coin on pDEX. The progress is around 60%, finger crossed to see it this summer :slight_smile: