Where did the vnode API's go?

The vNode API for ‘getpublickeymining’ is no longer working.
How does one make a call to ‘getminerrewardfromminingkey’ without the BLS to find the mining rewards of a given node?

I have reviewed the documentation (what there is) and nothing is there that works to find mining rewards.

Where is the information kept and where are any working examples? This is VERY troubling!!


It appears that the 20201223_1 version of the vnode code is not correct.
It dropped several API commands and is causing the incog app itself to no report the node status correctly.

Happy holidays.


I’m not familiar with your setup, Nito takes the public key to get the bls and then find status. Is that not viable in your case?

We need the validator key for nodes and would like to be able to only need that key so we don’t get them mixed up when multiple nodes are being loaded.

The old APIs handled it and the endpoint are there but don’t return any values.

Which api are you using?

Thank you fitz_fiat for bringing the issue to our attention and thank you Josh_Hamon for assist…and oh yeaaaa…Merry Christmas everyone…Tempestblack :sunglasses:

I’m using

mainnet = “https://fullnode.incognito.org/”;
raw = JSON.stringify({ “id”: 1,“jsonrpc”: “1.0”,“method”: “getbeaconbeststatedetail”,“params”: []});

To fetch a snapshot of the network and then parsing it for statuses. I’m not sure I’m answering your question though.

However, I am also seeing intermittent non-reporting behavior but my node has the 20201225_1 tag and is reporting correctly. Other nodes Nito is watching are having issues at times. I’m not sure if this is related or separate information.