[Solved] What other wallet do you recommend?

Celsius has this security feature, where you can only withdraw to whitelisted addresses. Newly added addresses don’t work for 24 hours. So, can’t Shield into Incognito with an address that expires in 2 hours. I’ve looked, can’t figure out how to turn this security feature off.

I’m thinking to get around this I’ll need to use another wallet as an intermediate step on way to getting BTC into Incognito. Any recommendations?

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I would recommend you „BlueWallet“ or „Trustwallet“.


As a normal wallet i would use Trust Wallet .

  • Interoperable with all the blockchains almost.
  • daaps browser
  • stacking services
  • NFT wallet (erc721 etc…)
    -Easy to use for DeFi and connect to smart contract

For privacy layer (MAINNET) use Mycelium Wallet.

I think you can also store ERC20 and other tokens , i mostly used for BTC.
You have many nice features and services inside and you can connect it through TOR and it uses one-time-address.

Both wallet are pretty secure for long term crypto storage


Hi @Rekonn, while the best way to shield crypto on Incognito is still being discussed, I would use Trustwallet as others recommended above.


I’m using metamask, pretty good


@Sai_Sai Not really, hard to use on phone, and the fee is too high


Does anyone know of any privacy focused ethereum wallets? Something that metamask or walletconnect is compatible with but uses TOR & and not infura, for example?

I downloaded Mycelium Wallet and it seems to be for bitcoin only, unless I’m missing something.

I wound up using Nexo. The Trust wallet requires iOS 13, and I guess I’m one of the few with an old phone, so that was out. Nexo gives interest on BTC and other crypto, zero transfer fees, and no built in security that prevents Shielding. No KYC either if you stick with in-kind interest.

I would strongly advise not use Nexo. You do not have control over your own keys. And if you want to withdraw your funds, they require KYC. So you won’t be in control of the keys.

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Do you own research but I’ve found that NEXO doesn’t require KYC if you stay under $20k per day and only touch crypto. Withdraw limits

But yes–everyone should be mindful if the service is custodial or non-custodial. If you don’t have your private keys, they aren’t your coins. However–Incognito is quasi-custodial as well. They can (and regularly do) turn off access to the app features so your funds are stuck just the same during that time. And if you request an unshielding or a withdraw of your provide—you’re at their mercy for when they process it. HOWEVER, one thing is very different in that Incognito is devoted to privacy so likely they will always make that a priority. And the roadmap has many plans to decentralize and move to a less custodial/centralized way of operating.

There are a lot of nuances to each project. I personally like NEXO, Celsius, and Incognito for different reasons but I do not lump them together into one category (except they all have a feature to earn on your deposited crypto).


Yup, confirmed, I just shielded some from my Nexo account without KYC. I agree that anything that earns interest currently requires trusting a 3rd party. Curious, @sato, do you use Provide?

Provide on incognito use a single token and you earn interest!
I use for my crypto and i keep the prv as a future investment and to stake node!