Weekly Update Newsletter 06/30/20

Hey everyone! It’s Tuesday, but before the update, something HUGE:

Kyber has gone Incognito!

This first edition of privacy for DeFi enables you to anonymously trade with Kyber’s liquidity pools. Now, the combined liquidity in the pDEX exceeds $10 million!

See more on what makes Kyber awesome right here.

Now, here’s your morning cup of weekly update:

Member updates

  • It’s the last day for builder rewards. Cast your vote before 8pm UTC!

  • The PRV Holders call is this Friday at 6am UTC. RSVP to let us know you’ll be there.

  • In June, we saw a trading volume of $1.5M, a shield volume of $2.16M, and more. Read the latest PRV Holders letter for the full scoop.

  • What brought you to Incognito? Join the discussion.

Core development

Are you a creator? Post your project and build privacy for all!

Incognito.org is where you can join privacy discussions, and we want you here. You’re worth it. :wink:

Have a peaceful week!