Weekly Privacy Newsletter 8.31.22

Quick Take

  • :handshake: Partnership: Our team is discussing with Flooyd for the vNode hosting on their servers. We are reaching a conclusion with Flooyd core team in order to finalize the partnership.

  • :building_construction: Infrastructure: Instant Finality v2, the big improvement, has been released for mainnet, if you are a node operator, please make sure your nodes are on the latest code.

  • :computer: Network Validator: We have fully run state pruning on our bootstrap fullnode, which means the bootstrap files now include state pruning!

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Technical Developments :construction_worker_man:


  • Instant Finality v2: the big improvement has been released for mainnet, if you are a node operator, please make sure your nodes are on the latest code. The new protocol will be affected on mainnet once 85% of network validators get updated. Check out the announcement for more details.

  • Network Validator: We have fully run state pruning on our bootstrap fullnode, which means the bootstrap files now include state pruning! Node operators do not need to spend precious CPU doing this themselves. If you would like to reduce your shard data size follow this guide to bootstrap.

Web-based Products :globe_with_meridians:

  • The team just released the first version of the new wallet extension (with Manifest V3 updated) and web-based swap (with external DEXs) for internal testing. Can’t wait to see these web-based products launch!

Growth Efforts :chart_with_upwards_trend:

  • Partnership: Our team is discussing with Flooyd for the vNode hosting on their servers. We are reaching a conclusion with Flooyd core team in order to finalize the partnership.

  • Validators: The Virtual Machine setup on the Threefold’s Testnet has been successfully run through the trial. Our version on Mainnet is still being tested currently on Threefold

That’s all for this week’s update. Thank you everyone for your contribution to the network and community.

See you around.