Weekly Privacy Newsletter 11.03.20


Hey there!

It’s Tuesday, and there’s a lot to catch you up on.
First off, tomorrow is the first Builder Meetup. We’d love for you to participate, so RSVP now!

Now here’s the lowdown on the last week:

Member updates

Core development

And that’s that! There are plenty of ways to get involved, and you bring a lot to the table. Don’t hesitate to get involved around we.incognito.org.

Have a restful week!


Thank you :slight_smile: After promoting our project for such a long time to friends, family and online in general, it feels really great to be now part of the builder community as well. Together we will bring privacy to the whole blockchain ecosystem :v:


Cool to have you in the builder club, @sato! We hope to see you in the #2 Builders Meetup where all builders will meet and discuss each other about how we can strengthen up the Incognito ecosystem! :muscle:

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