Two issues with

Two questions about the Liquidity explorer:

  1. Currently it is not possible to go to the next page. Could you fix pagination?

  2. Currently the tool sorts tokens in reverse order of their quantity in the pool. Would it be possible to also sort them by market cap?

Both of these issues are important, because, for example, BTC is far down the list and cannot be seen, since there are not many of them in the pool, even though they cost a lot. However, it would probably be on top of the list by market cap.
And if users decide, for example, which stablecoin to shield, choosing one with a larger market cap could result in a better exchange rate.

Unrelated: it would also be super useful to see a table with shielding fees for each coin. Thank you.


Hello @suwtizupa,

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I have passed them along to the appropriate devs.

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