Thinking about setting up a Incognito Treasure Hunt

I like coming up with different ways to help get new people into cryptocurrency. I also like giving someone their first bit of crypto. Treasure Hunts are a fun way of doing just that plus everyone is able to get involved. Bitcoin Cash has a great way of doing that with the website but I’d like to do a Treasure Hunt to help grow Incognito. I thought of a way to do this. I’ll use a different device to create new wallets, load some PRV on them, and print out the QR code of the private key. This is just another idea I’m throwing out for the community to get an idea of how good this idea is and if it’ll be worth the time spent doing it.


Treasure Hunts are fun for sure.
Hosting one is challenging.

If you want to brainstorm how to make it fun for users and manageable for you, let me know.


Thank you Jamie

Banano ,a meme coin crypto, did something like that.

Look on medium the news


Wow, I love that one.

Reminds me of pokemon Go in a way


i think you can be a dev and create your own treasure hunt project, it’s a cool idea


Thank you

Also Chilliz now have the same like pokemon go with their FAN tokens!

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Yeah Chilliz is a game changer for sports and fans

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