Taind - pSwap - Swap your way into privacy.

Trading on Incognito Wallet app is amazing, it just…works. However, I’m aware that most of us here would love an all-in-one platform where you can trade, view trading activities, price charts, and in the coming future, staking. So here it is.

Frame 17

I’m making this proposal to build pSwap and integrate it with LSB wallet extension. This integration will deliver a seamless trading experience for Incognito community.

Core features:

  • Swap anonymously
  • Charts
  • Pairs analysis
  • Staking (pending till Provide section in Incognito app is decentralized).


  • January: Interactive UI for pSwap (Fully functional, except for the trading part, which is waiting for integration in February). .
  • February: Integration with LSB wallet.
  • March: Improvements.
  • Further in the future: to be updated later, depending on the progress of the core team.

Fascinating… :sunglasses:


thanks @Tempestblack, you’re always the most supportive in this community


:blush:…l try to be…I really do…wish I knew more about encoding and stuff like that but well I do not so I do what I can … one thing I do know is that this community has an amazing set of developers and builders like yourself and all the other builders who have created apps and bots to run with and within the community and well all of you builders are amazing bunch indeed… :sunglasses:


nice design, very useful


We kickstarted 2021 with new and exciting updates for pSwap. :partying_face: With current progress, we are good to push trading live by end of February.

In January, we:

  • Deployed a live trading page for pSwap. Check it out at: https://www.pswap.app/
  • Half way through the progress of making it tradable on main-net.

In February, we will:

@doc @Tempestblack @Estem @PRVhodlr @disco @J053 @andrey @Ducky


It is still looking good @taind…looking forward to the integrations… :sunglasses:


The integration is currently in testing phase and looking good so far. We are looking at a beta-release next week for the community.

Would really appreciate your testing out and feedback then. We can’t wait to push it out.


I saw that the price in pSwap is less than what shown on incscan.io or using the Incognito app. Is this a bug or a feature?

As I’m typing this, PRV price on pSwap and in Incognito App are the same. I believe it’s not a bug. :wink:

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Successfully integrated and initiated the first trade on pSwap. Working on the final touches to push the product out next week. Can’t wait to let everyone try it out.



pSwap went LIVE!

Hi guys, after 2 months working on this, pSwap is now finally live. The product is still in its beta phase though, so feel free to drop your issues/feedback below.

Follow the following steps to try it out :

- Step 1: Install the latest version of LSB extension on Chrome Store at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/light-shadow-box/bmoeljkahcfgehdkfkeafinpnfmkabda
- Step 2: Go to https://www.pswap.app/ and connect with LSB wallet (if connection fails, clear cache of Chrome browser & then try again).
- Step 3: Choose your trading pair and initiate the trade.

Note: This released version currently works with Google Chrome only. We are working on a way to make it work with Brave Browser too. Will keep the community updated.

Please refer this medium announcement for more details on how to start.

See how the product works at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rNe6LKlRsdnSZg1_8CXogmojakEMFxCo/view?usp=sharing


@taind…awesome news…thank you for the update…going to test it out… :sunglasses:…and it is working beautifully…awesome…thank you once again

Hey @taind thats a really neat update. Ill test out pSwap later on today. Thanks for your efforts :muscle:


Thank you! It looks great but I can’t seem to get it to connect with the wallet. I tried clearing the cache but it still hangs.

Hi meego, thanks for checking out. What browser did you use?

Hi! I am using the Chrome browser.

If you clean up the main page for pSwap a little bit, i’m sure you could get it as an exchange on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap. That would be huge for Incognito.

Otherwise good job, it looks great. I want to pull price data directly from the pDex and put it on CoinGecko, for PRV price.