(Solved) vNodes stuck at “import”

I spent several hours working to set up 4 vNodes and I’m currently stuck at this point:

I’m trying to run all four nodes on one Vultr instance and created four keychains for them. Each node was added to the app with the appropriate IP address and port 9334,9335,9336,9337 for each additional vnode. The docker shows all four of them. When I check them on the open port checker it shows the ports as open. Does it usually take a while for a stake option to show up?

I’ve scoured the forums trying to find others with this situation but it’s usually after they’ve staked. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello @Zherkezhi,

Please run docker ps and paste the output here.

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Ah, your nodes are using ports 8334+. Swipe left in the app and delete out the ones that say Import and readd with server_IP:8334, 8335, etc.


Wonderful, thank you!

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It looks like I need to restart one of the vnodes - do you happen to know the commands to do so (shut down, delete data, restart)? It seems the commands that I used on my pnodes a while ago aren’t fully compatible.

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ah, inc_mainnet_0 is restarting (from your docker ps screenshot).

Run the following to stop the container, delete the problem data, and then start it again.

sudo docker stop inc_mainnet_0

sudo rm -rf /home/incognito/node_data_0/

sudo docker start inc_mainnet_0

Side note, in order to save a long time to sync you can bootstrap:


That’s actually what I was doing when it filled the virtual machine’s storage lol. I’ve added additional storage, though I may have to stick with 2 vnodes per instance.

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Can I ask why you are running them under virtual machines?

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Poor choice of word maybe, it’s a Vultr instance.