[Solved] Transparent address for zcash

There doesn’t seem to be any way to accept zcash at a transparent address. Only private addresses seem supported.

Many wallets and exchanges will not allow sending to z… private addresses. Is there a way to “shield” transparent zcash?

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You’ll need to send to an intermediary wallet that supports both shielded and transparent transactions, then send to the private shielding address. ZecWallet Lite will probably be the easiest solution.


I didn’t want to a open new topic. So I go on from here :slight_smile:

Is it difficult to add “shielding to t… addresses” feature? @Support Currently, the users can unshield to both address types but shield to only z… addresses.

Not so critical but I want to write it in case the team forgot this issue :slight_smile: which seems a little bit awkward.


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