[SOLVED] Second node

I got the second box and I think I am having the same issue I had last time
I don’t want to use WiFi
I want to use the Ethernet cable but the box is kinda forcing me to connect to WiFi

Need help moving forward.


This should help


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Omg this is what they did last time
This really pissed me off. I can’t follow this instructions.

I’ll have to have one of this guys do it for me. This is stupid
Should be plug and play

The WiFi didn’t event work lol

I got both of mine yesterday and today…although there were some cosmetic blemishes they both connected with ease…so :man_shrugging:t2:

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How about activating the Node using WiFi first, then have it hardwired?
I want to know why the WiFi doesn’t work for you. Could you give me this in a private message?
1/ Your Node QR code
2/ The log of your latest setup trial



This most likely my 4 attempt to get help.
Can’t connect the node to Ethernet.
I would like to get help ASAP.

Reach me on telegram for quick response


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I haven’t received any private messages from you on Discourse.
Reach me on Discourse for quick response.

Yep, I still haven’t got support to help me with mine.

I am trying Ethernet cable and still having issue.

They made it so hard