[SOLVED] Images on the website are generating a 500 error

Title pretty much. Images on posts the past day or two have been coming up missing for me. When I try to open the image directly I’m served a 500 error.

Posts by the Incognito team with embedded (not linked) images seem to be the most affected.

Would be nice to see what they are working so hard to post!

Thanks, Mike. We will look into it.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Avatar size problem?

Hi Mike, we updated the cloud. This issue is fixed now. Let me know if you still experience it.

The posts that had broken images when I initially posted seemed to resolve themselves later that day. So yay! Those are working now, however …

A post I made today was edited by user system to “downloaded local copies of images” from the links a minute or three after I posted. This edit by system broke those images. Two of them were auto-generated thumbs for GitHub OneBoxes. The third was a celebratory GIF. Without the celebratory GIF, my post is just a sad panda.

I’d post an image of a sad panda to illustrate that, but that would probably break too, then I’d be a sad panda about a sad panda about a broken GIF. And nobody wants that. :rofl:

:joy: :joy: :joy: