[Shipped] Network Monitor

This error goes on. The exact opposite also occurs, i.e. Shard syncing on the grid, stalling on the popup. FYI. @Support

P.S: The version of my nodes is the latest.

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In the app node “Monitor Detail” and on website node monitor, I see “Code Version” and then 9 alphanumeric characters. What does this code version refer to? How can I use this to assess health of node?

When it is green, your node is fine. It is the short SHA commit id from Incognitochain github repo. It should match with the latest release.
If you run node that is not latest, there will be warning message beside the version.

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Do you still have the problem? You can ping me your Mining Public Key to check

I don’t know :slight_smile: since I cannot see them. The validator table is empty. I thought that again you updated the site and they were lost. When I try re-adding my nodes, I get “node name or validator public key is exist” error. The problem is this.

Now I have tried another browser. It does not add the validator public key to the table. When I hit Check, just a progress circle appears and then disappears. I think the site has a problem.

Can you refresh, your empty page is temporary during our service restart schedule.


Now, ok. Thanks.

Thank you. I went to github and confirmed version for my own education.

Where can I see the source code? Is it here? @Support

Hello @J053,

That code is from two years ago so not the Node Monitor (monitor.incognito.org).

The Node Monitor code has not been released.


Network monitor does not show/update Vote Stats. FYI. @Support

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Is there any progress on the network monitor issue? @Support

The new update makes the monitor stop syncing. Just fix!
Thank you for the report.

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Did something happen? It seems 1068 inactive nodes. Is it a display bug or did a lot of nodes crash? @Support

I think its a bug because if you look at the list most of the have shard / beacon data which has been synced and they are the correct code version.