POLL: Do/Can you run a computer/VPS 24/7?

Hey everyone,

I have some product ideas (at mid/long term). These require that either I should run a service or you should run an app. I prefer the latter since I do not want to take someone else’s financial responsibilities/risks. So the question is:

Do/Can you run a computer/VPS etc. 24/7?

  • No
  • Yes

0 voters


The incognito team should be able to set you up with a nice VPS for your development of a service. I think overall that is the intention of the building rewards.

No, I do not need any VPS. My product ideas require private keys and I don’t want to take the risks of storing/using someone else’s private keys (at least for now).

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I think even with a 24/24h VPS or PC, it’s a bad idea to keep private keys on a online system with a software that can interact with them. Basically this will create an hot wallet with unencrypted keys.
It would be a little more secure if you can send sign the transactions in another place (eg. dedicated hardware wallet connected to the PC), it will protect the keys but it can not prevent signing unauthorized transactions…

It really depends about the product. But avoid exposing the private keys if possible, in a system running without direct user control/supervision. Working with private keys must, in my opinion, be allowed only with direct user interaction.

Yes, you are right to some extent. However, a hardware wallet integration requires more labor which I do not have. There is not such a product even within Incognito ecosystem. Some builders are working on that. On the other hand, a hardware wallet or password-encrypted (or similar) private key solutions do not fit into the products which are in my mind. They will be autonomous products which will sign the transactions as they want (i.e. no user intervention). That’s why I need machines running 24/7.

This does not mean that much safer solutions cannot be found but as of now, it is out of my scope.

Kadena (KDA) is now deploying over one hundred Validator Nodes in a type of dokerized dApps on Zel Flux. If you can make such a dApp for Incognito Validator, you can sell it on their environment.

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Thank you. Let me examine it.

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