pnode unstaking/restaking question

I have expanded operations and have a unstake pnode that I do not want to fully stake, but would like to go back to the 60/30 split as shipped.

Can this be done? I have unstaked it, so it is just sitting here with the stake button next to it.


@InvestForFamily, yes, you can return to funded staking. It isn’t something you can do yourself, though. An admin will need to help you.

When I returned my pnode to funded staking, @Jamie helped coordinate it with someone else; I never knew who the pnode admin was. I just know Jamie was my liaison. But Jamie is currently on leave, so I would ask someone like @Peter; he will know exactly who to you refer you to.


Thank you for the info and pointing me in the right direction. I will ask for @Peter if he can assist me. Thank you.

Unstaking a Node takes for weeks/ months. Re-staking may take the same time, too.
Send me the QR code of your Node that you want to use 35/65 split in a private message so I can verify some information.