pNode Dashboard Firmware v2.0.0 - NEW Release!

Incognito is happy to announce the release of v2.0.0 firmware for pNodes! :partying_face:

Steps to upgrade:

1.) Make sure your pNode is plugged in :electric_plug: and connected to the internet :globe_with_meridians:

2.) On the app to go Power > tap your node > follow the instructions to upgrade

:warning: During this time do not unplug the pNode as it is downloading the necessary data to perform this upgrade automagically, unless instructed to do so.

After the upgrade is complete your pNode version will be v2.0.0 as shown in figure 1.

image (1)
figure 1 - pNode Version

Congratulations on successfully upgrading your pNode to the latest and greatest firmware! :partying_face: Below is an outline of how to access the new and improved features of your pNode.

Didn’t upgrade? If your pNode ran into a problem and still does not show v2.0.0 please follow the following advanced instructions. On your computer open a terminal (windows search Windows PowerShell / on mac /Applications/Utilities Terminal) and type:

ssh nuc@pNode_IP_Address

(replace pNode_IP_Address with your pNode IP Address)

hit enter

When prompted for a password type:


Once logged in type the following and hit enter:

s2b -d ‘{“action”: “update_firmware”}’ -t product_control

sudo service supervisor restart

sudo service nginx restart

You can copy and paste to make things easier. Copy from here and then right-click on the terminal screen.

another way you can keep ssh with manual detail command to download and replace new pnode ui.

script :

cd ~/aos/ability/


unzip -o

cd ~/

tmux kill-session -t brain

bash ~/aos/

sudo service supervisor restart

sudo service nginx restart

Wait for the upgrade to complete. After the upgrade has completed your pNode should now be on v2.0.0

What’s New?

Access your pNodes dashboard by going to the following URL in a web browser (replace pNode_IP_Address with your pNodes IP Address):

http://pNode_IP_Address :5000

Main Page

Your pNodes dashboard should look like the image below. On this page, you can find all the important information related to your pNode (reference figure 2).

Figure 2 - pNode dashboard main screen

Sync Detail

Clicking the Sync Detail button will display your pNodes Earnings and Vote status (reference figure 3).

Figure 3 - pNode Sync Detail Button


Clicking the Terminal button at the top of the page will display the following (reference figure 4):

unnamed (1)
Figure 4 - pNode Terminal Page

The terminal page gives you access to a terminal running on your pNode. Please note this is only recommended for advanced users.

There are convenient quick access buttons located below the terminal window. In the event of a beacon and/or shard stall these buttons can be utilized to clear problematic data.

When clicking to delete data a confirmation box will pop up asking you to verify deleting data. Please only use these buttons when a stall occurs or as directed by the support team.

Please put your pNode QR code into the box referenced in figure 3 prior to utilizing the quick action buttons (pNode QR codes are located on the bottom of the pNode device).

File Explorer / Logs

In the event you need to browse the pNodes files or pull logs you can do so by accessing the file explorer by clicking the Browser button at the top (reference figure 5).

Figure 5 - File Explorer

Changing Wi-Fi

In order to change your pNodes Wi-Fi connection click the Wifi button at the top of the page. Figure 6 shows the Wi-Fi settings screen. On this page, you can input your new Wi-Fi configuration if you need to change Wi-Fi routers.

unnamed (4)
Figure 6 - Wi-Fi Settings Page

Changing Validator Key

To self stake your pNode you will need to have a wallet with 1750 PRV and provide your wallet validator key into the Validator Key box provided (reference figure 7).

unnamed (5)
Figure 7 - Validator Key Self Stake

As usual please post any questions you have in the comments below or reach out to the @support account.


This warning message above is confusing since the instructions to upgrade on my phone say “Please power cycle your Node to continue” with the Update Now button underneath.

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Currently my Node has nothing next to “Version” should I power cycle my pNode or wait until tomorrow?


I have altered the warning in the original post to be less confusing. Basically do not power cycle unless instructed to do so. We would like to prevent users from becoming impatience and power cycling without being instructed.



Is your pNode showing as online in the app?

Attention All,

Instructions were added to the original post with advanced instructions to assist with manual upgrading if the in-app upgrading was failing for some reason.

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Everything was normal except the blank space next to Version. I just checked it now and it’s version 1.0.6 or something and the option to update firmware is now available.
I just needed to wait a bit.

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Glad to hear that. Let us know if you run into any issues or have any questions.

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Just so others are aware, I “updated” the firmware but nothing happened so I power cycled the pNode and tried again, my IP address was blank so I just updated the screen and it came back. I tried updating a second time and nothing happened.
It took leaving the Node section and coming back twice then updating a 3rd time before it showed 1.0.9 in the Version section.

Yes the app can take a little bit to show the new version. It is recommended to try to access to pNodes new dashboard at port 5000.

Please avoid power cycling. If your pNode is downloading data when you power cycle it could corrupt data and therefore make it stall.

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I’m getting an import error on one of my nodes. Saying no module named zmq when trying to manually update. It’s been offline in the app for months but still gets rewards and participates in the committee. Except now it’s in committee and is saying shard stall. @Support

In order to not derail this thread, please send a message to the @support account and a ticket will be opened. This will also ensure all devs see your message as well.


Question do we have the open up ports so it won’t stall out? And if so which ports do we open?

The way pNodes talk to the highway does not require any ports to be open.

I have also the issue, there is nothing next the the “Version” under the node details. And no option to upgrade. Online status: Unknown… Also my node was slashed (unstaked). I’d appreciate some help how to proceed. Thanks.

Please open a support ticket by messaging the @support account. I will assist you further there as there are several things we need to check on.

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This update rocks!!!.. thank you to @Jared for the post and to dev team… :partying_face: :sunglasses: :smiley: :100: :+1:

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hello @Support, my pNode got this problem >1 month ago and no more stake photo_2021-10-18_16-10-37
How can I do now pls?


@mrtrantuan, Please read over this: