pDEX formula

Hello. In what part of the incognitochain code does it calculates the output coins of a trade in the pDEX?


Here you go, the main pDEX’s logic is in these files beaconpdeproducer.go, beaconpdeprocess.go, please read through and let me know if you have any further questions.


Could you point me to the code where you intercept all pdex trades via central controlled proxy addresses ? I just can’t seem to find that in there !

Also the same with pdex liquidity provisions .

And please for the love of God don’t tell me it’s closed source…

Link to code and line numbers please @duc

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Do you mean all those cross-pool trades with 0 trading fees?


Is this directed at me or @duc ?

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To you. You asked about some trades, right?



No I mean every pdex interaction is met with a team controlled incognito wallet server that relays the transactions between user and liquidity pool. This is why trades take so long to return


@Fatfaa it seems that you’d really love to criticize the Incognito team as well as what we’re building and improving. What do you expect here?

@J053 I realized that you used to be an Incognito builder before, and have stayed in the community for a while so I guess you probably read the post already: The state of decentralization. In the post, we explained pretty clearly, what is the current situation of pDEX, why did we implement that way and how will we improve it with Privacy V2 (one-time address) so if you have any further questions, feel free to ping me and don’t be confused by any false information. thanks.


So this response I assume is admission that the code is not open on the github regarding the above referenced team controlled proxy accounts between pdex and lps. I was simply looking for clarity in a vague world that I’m surrounded in here

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Why not publicly talk about the hidden code? If the code I’m asking for is not hidden by all means please point me to a link from the git w referencing line numbers

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I guess you did look into these two posts: The state of open-source code and The state of decentralization. If not, please have a look and those may help you find out answers to your questions. thanks.


I found it: https://github.com/incognitochain/incognito-chain/blob/23ed9256aa1cf11f81bb054676358a1232a480f3/rpcserver/http_pde.go#L1012