[Outdated & Changed] Incognito's 2021 privacy roadmap for the world

Most of them are due to may, but still they are “Building”. Do they need to be updated or they are actually still in a building phase?

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Hey @J053, please have a look at the new/updated roadmap for Q3 at topic.


Would it be possible to update this OP?
It’s really helpful to be able to see everything in an organized post like this, with links to each product’s thread.

The Incognito initiatives in Q3 offers some good summaries, but is not nearly as comprehensive, and also doesn’t have a current status for any of the initiatives.

Having a table like this page up-to-date is extremely helpful to give newcomers a birds eye view of how the project has and is progressing. (This would seem even more so the case because this thread is the destination for the “Progress” header in the main navigation bar at the top of the site.)

I could try to compose an updated draft if that would help, but it would definitely need proofing, as I’m not familiar with all aspects of the project.

I’ve just marked this topic as outdated and gave a note at the top of topic to drive audiences to Q3 initiatives so that people can see the up-to-date development progress of the project, thanks for pointing it out.