On ramp for GBP - BTC (or any crypto) and web app?

Very new here, this looks like a great project. I too am big on privacy.
I am looking to buy a small amount of BTC with fiat GBP. (c£300) I have zero crypto holdings currently. Is this possible using Incognito please? Sorry I have been looking around for 20 mins or so and can’t see any obvious way to do it.
Also concerned about the lack of privacy on a mobile phone so am surprised that it seems the main incognito trading ‘dex’ is only a downloadable mobile app from the apple or google stores (these companies aren’t known for respecting anyone’s privacy either) I saw mention in February that a web app was coming out, please is this ready yet and if so where is it? (presume it’s not otherwise it would be a link somewhere obvious?)
Thanks so much in advance for any replies.
Best wishes to you all :slight_smile:


Incognito does not have any direct fiat on-ramps. You will need to buy an Incognito supported crypto asset ($BTC) with your GBP, then shield that crypto asset on Incognito.

The web app is on (a very long) pause. There is no concrete timeline for the web app, other than some undetermined time after the current focus on decentralization is completed. That focus is ongoing and still has many months to go before those resources are freed up again.