Node not found on Node Watcher

ok got it )

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I think it’s just my bad memory. I thought I recalled Funded Staking was stated to be automatically processed back in the early days of the project (late 2019/Jan. 2020).

@Horus87 Did you see it on the watcher by now?
@Josef You should be able to unstake by now. This is the instruction:
@Mike_Wagner No worries :sweat_smile:

Yes Peter, now it’s working! Thanks!


Hi Peter, I’m following the instructions and now waiting for the unstaking to process. Thanks!
How long may this unstaking process take roughly?

@Josef Due to the random selection, it depends. It might take only 3 days, but it can take up to 3-4 weeks.

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Done…staked with 1750prv now and seems its running. Node watcher says: “Waiting to be selected.” Looking forward to process the first transaction :sunglasses:


Today the node on node watcher says : “In shard number 5. Pending…” …what does it mean? Thanks.

Pending means your Node has been randomly selected to participate in committee validation.

Around the half way mark of each epoch, a new group of Nodes are selected to enter committee. This phase is called Pending. While in Pending, your Node will sync the chain for the shard it will be entering. As a result, a Node will remain in Pending for ~1.5 epochs. This is the (roughly) second half of the epoch it was first selected in and the entirety of the following epoch.

After those 1.5 epochs, your Node will move to committee where it will begin validating blocks in the assigned shard.

A Node will remain in committee for at least two consecutive epochs and sometimes will remain in committee for three consecutive epochs.

After two (or three) earning epochs, the Node will be returned to the waiting pool, where it will await the next random selection.

Thus, once a Node status has changed to Pending, it will begin validating/earning in ~6 hours. The Node will validate/earn for 8 (2 epochs) to 12 (3 epochs) hours then return the waiting pool.


Good…thanks a lot for explaining!

Hi, all has been running fine until now. I got message from the Nito bot that the node is not showing up. I checked in the app which confirmed connection issue. I don’t know why this happened but anyway I restarted the node, now It shows ok in the app but in the Node Watcher i get message “Node cannot be found”. Can you please help me with it…thanks!

Nito says the node is waiting …so I think it should be alright…but I’m not sure why the Node Watcher doesnt see the node now.

@Josef All nodes, vNodes/pNodes are working as expected just the information isnt being pulled correctly from the trackers/explorers. But i can confirm nodes are working as expected.

Thanks Chucky, so its just some known glitch happening? If the node is shows alright in my app but the Node Watcher or Nito says its not showing up in the network…its fine? :slight_smile:

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Hey this is a nodewatcher/nito issue.

Alright…what is than the best way to check if the node is ok in the network?

Well right now you cant check. But it is alive and well, that much i can tell you :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: thank you!

Nito has been given a temporary fix.

Nito and Node Watcher didn’t change mainnet fullnode :wink:


Is the nodewatcher working properly? I’m not sure why my nodes can’t be found?