Node monitor not calculating pending epochs correctly

Hey @Support,

I have noticed that since the committee size change, the pending epoch numbers on the node monitor are not correct. I frequently have nodes that are listed as 2+ epochs pending and then all of a sudden go into committee.

Is this something you are aware of and are planning to fix?


Can’t this also occur when pending ones in front of your nodes aren’t ready for the committee or some nodes in the committee are slashed?

In fact, there is a similar bug that causes # of the committee epochs to be calculated incorrectly. In fact, one extra. For example, once my node enters the committee, the monitor shows it will be in the committee for 7 epochs but it remains in the committee for 6 epochs. However, after 1-2 epochs pass, it starts to show the correct number :slight_smile:

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I thought block reward was split between the remaining unslashed parties since slashing occurs after the epoch has ended. As far as I know you don’t get into committee mid-epoch.

Not sure about dynamic committee size tho, how it is switched and when.

I’ve also noticed that exact same number, says 7 epochs in committee at the start, then it later changes its mind to 6.


I have also noticed epoch remaining numbers changing/jumping. Just showed 4 epochs left for example, new epoch started, now it says 2 epochs left to earn on the node monitor.

@Jared is development aware of this?

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@fredlee @brico84 I have notified the devs.


@Jared just happened again. Node said earning for 2 epochs, and then the next epoch came and it was all of a sudden “pending” again instead of earning for its last epoch.