KNC privacy not listed

I have privacy KNC in my pdex wallet …I am neither able to trade for privacy or send it to another wallet to do anything with it in the PDEX… it’s not listed

I think you mean pdex “account”, not wallet. Please check this out: [SOLVED] Cannot get PRV out of pDEX account

My KNC is stuck in the PDex Incognito wallet …I can neither trade it for Privacy …nor withdrawal it to an internal ingonito wallet (account 0) or an external wallet…can’t do anything with it because it’s not listed under select coin anymore…

@Peter I think this is not the withdrawal issue but listing problem. Maybe a bug?

can you add it manually?

from your wallet home page, tap ‘search existing coins’. if its not in the list, tap ‘add manually’. then enter those details. let me know if that works.

KNC under select coin is no longer listed to trade for privacy coin