Insufficient balance during withdraw

Hello guys.

I have an Incognito wallet and use NodeJS SDK to manage it. I am working in mainnet.

I want to withdraw BTC from Incognito wallet to an outer BTC wallet. My problem is that when I make a request to burn a token, I always get an error:
Your balance is insufficient. ERROR_CODE-5.

I have tried with much smaller amounts but it did not solve my problem. The balance of my wallet is positive, I have added some BTC to it. I have chosen to pay fee in BTC instead of native token during the withdraw.

Maybe is it necessary to always have some amount of PRV in my wallet?

This is the code snippet I am using:

    const userFees = await this.walletBTCToken.bridgeWithdrawEstUserFee({
        incognitoAmount: incognitoAmountStr,
        requestedAmount: requestedAmountStr,
        paymentAddress: outerWalletAddress
    console.log('userFees', userFees)
    const tempAddress = userFees.Address

    // create request to burn a token
    const tokenFee = await this.walletBTCToken.getEstFeeFromNativeFee({nativeFee: 1})
    const txBurn = await this.walletBTCToken.bridgeBurningCentralized({
        privacyPaymentInfoList: [
                paymentAddressStr: tempAddress, //temp address
                amount: String(incognitoAmount + tokenFee),
                message: '',
                paymentAddressStr: userFees.FeeAddress, //fee(master) address
                amount: userFees.TokenFees.Level1,
                message: '',
        nativePaymentInfoList: [],
        memo: 'burn tx zil',