Incognito weekly #4: Privacy coin awards, pDEX trading competition, more on Nodes

December 19 2019

Hope you’ve been having a great week. Here’s the best of the best from ours:

1. Privacy Coin awards is LIVE!

Are you creative? Issue the most innovative, widely transacted privacy coin direct from your Incognito wallet app and earn PRV rewards.

Get more details + view the current leaderboard

2. Introducing PERKS — the current coin awards leader

PERKS are 100% private tradable coupons issued on the Incognito chain. Created just 2 weeks ago, PERKS has already amassed 400 transactions, its own telegram group, and its own social media following.

Read about how PERKS did it

Learn how to issue your own Privacy Coin for your business

3. Milestone reached: 3,000+ trades on pDEX

In the first month of completely organic growth, there have been more than 3,000 successful trades! Thanks to all traders for your support, and if you haven’t explored the pDEX yet — just tap that little icon at the bottom of your screen and check out all the new pairs.

Read the listing announcement: pFTM

Read the listing announcement: pTOMO

4. pDEX trading competition starts now

It’s simple. Every monday, we’ll distribute 700 PRV (140 USD equivalent) amongst the most active trading wallets. Then the leaderboard will refresh, and the race will begin again. Happy trading!

Get more info here

5. Live now: transact privately to win private crypto

Also very simple. Make transactions in pBTC, pETH or pUSDT and earn rewards in pUSDT. Winners will be chosen weekly, but the biggest prizes will go to the all-time champs – to be announced in February 2020. It pays to choose privacy!

Get competition details here

6. What it’s like to be a Node now and in the future

Over the last couple of weeks or so, more and more nodes have come online. We’ve had a few excellent questions — so here’s a quick rundown of where we’re currently at, and a brief overview of where we’re headed.

Earning explained + Node FAQs

That’s it for now. See you next week!

– Incognito

can’t believe that this topic is that old…
my question: what happened to pftm ??
would be so much appreciated currently :wink:

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