Incognito chain’s code upgrade (tag: 20220921_1)

I get this when looking for updates:

Getting Incognito docker tags
Current tag |00221004_1| - Latest tag |00221004_1|

None of those tags make sense to me, they start with 0022 instead of 2022
Also node monitor shows orange and out of date.

The last part looks like October 04. to me, so today? Is it up to Date but starting 00 instead of 20? What?
Can someone help me?

Probably it is written mistakenly. You are correct. It should be 20221004_1. It seems that the team applied this hotfix: to make enabling the features in the previous version quicker.

After the team enters the code version of this new release into the node monitor, it will be fixed. It is just display error. No problem.

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Ah alright then, thanks
Was worried because I’ll be in Committee soon and just checked everything yesterday

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Congrats to the team and the community. Block time is 20 seconds. :confetti_ball: :rocket: :tada: :black_heart: