Incognito chain’s code upgrade (tag: 20220921_1)


It looks like BTC database ran into an issue. You can try deleting out the btcrelayingv8 directory and seeing if that fixes the issue (just a guess as I don’t currently run a fullnode).

If you find that you need to redownload all of the beacon/shard data you can use option 55 of my bootstrap script to get it back up to sync.

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Yes, I did this first but it didn’t worked.

I exactly did this and it worked :slight_smile:

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@Jared I now used latest and 20220921_1 version updated and is running, but why is node monitor indicating for this new version that it is “Not Latest Version” when it is now the latest version. Is github code version number ok?

There is an error with the Node Monitor that the devs are aware of.

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Nice work, hope it will be robust

Just out of curiosity. Two days passed and still a lot of nodes are not updated. Don’t majority of the node owners use our auto-update script? Do they still use docker hub v1? Or do they use some customized script to manage their nodes? or something else :thinking:

I think a lot of node owners don’t want auto-update to run because there is no check in place to make sure not to run the update when nodes are still in committee.

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About 66% nodes in the network have updated the latest docker tag. We need 19% more to get the improvements affected…


To my calculations, as of now, ~%79 is completed. So excited :slight_smile:

We’re stuck to ~83% for ~24 hours. Come on @validators, hurry up. Otherwise, I’ll fork the chain :rofl:

How do you check this stat in real time?

I’ve written a basic script using I check the ratio time-to-time :slight_smile:

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For future updates, my suggestion is to slashing nodes with obsolete version or decreasing their rewards after 75% approves the update.

As of 29 September 19:15 UTC: 84.9%


Why not just make the threshold 75% in that case?

85% has been passed for 6+ hours but since does not have all validators (~100 missing), there is a little deviation between my calculation and the real ratio.

Yes, I just checked a couple of hours ago, most shards reached 80% except shard 3 which was around 69%. For future updates, we will consider setting a “force update deadline” so that a new update can eventually get affected (without your fork @abduraman, jk)

Since we wanted to reduce slashing risk for validators. When the number of validators increases, a lower threshold could cause a big slashing I think.


I get this when looking for updates:

Getting Incognito docker tags
Current tag |00221004_1| - Latest tag |00221004_1|

None of those tags make sense to me, they start with 0022 instead of 2022
Also node monitor shows orange and out of date.

The last part looks like October 04. to me, so today? Is it up to Date but starting 00 instead of 20? What?
Can someone help me?

Probably it is written mistakenly. You are correct. It should be 20221004_1. It seems that the team applied this hotfix: to make enabling the features in the previous version quicker.

After the team enters the code version of this new release into the node monitor, it will be fixed. It is just display error. No problem.

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Ah alright then, thanks
Was worried because I’ll be in Committee soon and just checked everything yesterday

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Congrats to the team and the community. Block time is 20 seconds. :confetti_ball: :rocket: :tada: :black_heart: