How long until PRV returned after vnode slashed?

How long does it take to get PRV back after vnode slashed? It has been 10+ epochs and still have not got it.

Try converting your coins from v1 to v2 under settings in the app.

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Unfortunately convert coins gives me an error.

@Support @Jared

Hey did you see your 1750prv in coins v1?
Does your account has PRV for transaction fee?
Please send DM include full screenshot to @Support

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I could not see anything in coins v1. I received the error as soon as I clicked ‘Convert v 1 to v2 coins’ in settings

Yes it does. In fact I dug a little deeper and can see the 1750 returned in incognito-cli but I can’t seem to send them with incognito-cli. It seems like the command works and I get a TxHash but transaction never happens.

Yes, contacting @Support is my next step. Thanks