How are tx histories stored?

I am wondering how transaction histories are stored/recorded. I understand that Incognito chain is private and that transactions aren’t visible on the on the explorer for all to see. However, how arethe transaction recorded? Are they recorded on the chain? Or are they recorded locally? So if I lost my phone and reinstalled the app on a new phone; would my transaction still show up? Also is anyone working on a way to export trade/send/receive tx history? I know some of you don’t plan on reporting trades made on the dex to tax authorities, however I do plan to because I don’t know what tricks they have to figure out what. I mainly like the pdex for the fact that I don’t have to kyc and have my coins on a centralized exchange. If anyone can clarify on this I’d greatly appreciate it.

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I know that the Withdraw and Deposit transaction are using the information from our API. For other types, it is stored locally.
When you reinstall the app, only the history of Withdraw & Deposit is shown up.
Your idea is great, and there were some people asked for it, too. But at this moment, we are not working on it.

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Yes @Brakley, that’s correct.


Are there any plans to add an export tx history feature? Or is there any way to do it manually without having to do it all trade by trade?

@Brakley I personally track it down by a spreadsheet as my trading volume is not too high.
Let me note this idea into our board. When there is an update, I will keep you posted.


Would greatly appreciate this :+1:t2:

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