Ethereum exchange value with usd

Hi . I am bit of a noob. So please explain . Ethereum coin (ETH) used to be around 3000+ usdc in the incognito app. Currently the value of eth is 3000+ in Coinbase , Robinhood etc. But suddenly incognito app shows the following .
1 ETH equals about 2100 usdC. Which is a huge difference . I don’t understand this. Same way is takes 8000 USDC to buy one ETH in the app. This doesn’t make sense

the eth liquidity from “provide” was removed for some reason What happened with pDEX ETH liquidity?

that’s also why there’s a lot of slippage on trades(1eth=2100$ and at the same time 8000$=1eth, you can see the same thing on new dexes on defi-chains)

i wouldn’t worry though, as the liquidity is still on-chain and the devs know about privacy, so if it were a rugpull,they would have went after xmr instead of eth