Custom Coin Verification Criteria

In order for a custom coin to be approved by the committee, the coin must meet our criteria as listed in this post.

1) First and foremost, the coin/project must not be illegal. If they are related to the following then they will not be approved:

  • Scamming / Spamming
  • Illegal Drugs
  • Black Hat Hacking
  • Selling Dox Info (SSN, IDs, CC, Passport, etc)
  • Damaging to Incognito’s Reputation
  • Etc

2) An introduction post must be made per our guidelines:

3) User should be at least, Trust Level 2, member status on the forum and have been active for at least 3 months.

  • We ask for this time frame to make sure new users to Incognito get a basic level understanding of Incognito’s blockchain, community, etc.
  • If a project/coin is already established outside of Incognito, then this requirement can be waived.

4) The project/coin MUST have a top-level domain website. This website should:

  • Look professional
  • Not be a copy and paste template
  • Be void of grammatical error(s)
  • Avoid using a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, etc.

5) A sizable community surrounding your project/coin must already be established. Communities can be on:

  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Discord
  • Reddit
  • Etc

The committee will post our vote [#/5] and approval/un-approval under the coin's [Coin Reivew] post. Please note, the individual committee members' votes will be kept private in an effort to avoid un-approved coin users/groups from harassing that committee member to get them to change their vote. Vote reconsiderations will only be made after the project/group has shown considerable improvements. The committee will use their best discretion when deciding on whether or not a coin should be approved.

As a reminder to the community and to potential coin creators, the committee is not here to prevent anyone from creating coins on the Incognito app or blockchain. The committee’s sole purpose is to safeguard the reputation of Incognito from bad actors who wish to quickly create a coin, pump liquidity, and then rug pull once the price gets to their liking.

It should be noted that the committee’s approval or un-approval only affects the app and does not affect a coin from being on Incognito’s blockchain. Coins can still directly interact with the Incognito Blockchain per the documentation. If a coin that is currently already approved is un-approved after committee review, the support team will assist in removing liquidity if that is what the coin creator wishes to do.

The committee is a stepping stone, or pilot program if you will, to the eventual implementation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

Disclaimer: Verification of a custom coin is NOT an endorsement or investment advice by Incognito or the committee. Users investing, trading, swapping, or other functions with a custom coin are required to do their own research.