Current Node Operator Earnings

This is exactly the stats I have from my current records.

Average PRV earnings per node is up almost x2. Before I was averaging about 17PRV per node, per week, over an 8 month period.

As more nodes come online, this will obviously decrease. So, good to be or become a validator right now.


Ya, its insane right now. i don’t have my numbers, but I know it is a lot more than a couple months ago. Decided to turn my forthcoming earnings in to new nodes instead of cashing out like I have been. The re-investment seems worth it currently.

Hope these numbers stay like this for the foreseeable future!


After having another 6 nodes slashed and restaken on my old server, I finally got fed up and decided to retire it. Those nodes are now running on new hardware, using the beta-version with lite database mode and ffstorage enabled. There are still memory leaks in the beta version, but as a workaround, I restart them periodically.

I’ve found that it delivers extremely consistent vote results. As seen in the last_votes column in the screenshot below, I have 100% on all nodes on this server, which I must say is actually a first. :partying_face:


Now for the numbers… I realized two problems with my calculations and have adjusted the past number down from 89% to 83%.

  1. I included newly staken nodes that were still in syncing pool and had not yet had any chance to be in committee. Which is kinda unfair, so I will not include them anymore.
  2. I rounded to whole days, instead of the actual time of day when I created the report. It did not matter that much when I only did a report every month, but as I now update weekly or bi-weekly, I decided to use a more correct timestamp.

With less slashing and the number of active nodes dropping to 2281. I’m up to 30.59 PRV/week, that means the 1750 PRV for a node is doubled in 57 weeks giving us 91% APR!!!

All in all, still insane earnings and a very good time to be hosting nodes!


Thank you @fredlee for putting this together. It is a great reference post to share with potential new node hosters.

Incognito Nodes Go MOON! :rocket: :new_moon: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :bar_chart:


Buy the dip, spin up more nodes!


These past weeks I have restaked every single one of my nodes. This resulted in them being placed in sync pools for 25 epochs and I lost some earning time because of it. Despite this, the numbers are holding up well

So why did I restake them all? I talked about it here previously. But in short, I wanted to separate my PRV funds from my nodes by putting them all under a different master key.

Now my nodes are running smooth, with no slashing and I have no plans to restake or restructure in the coming weeks. Time to break a record! :crossed_fingers:


Looks like 93% was the peak, now we’re, unfortunately, dropping in both PRV and $. Pending queue has increased by 7% due to new nodes coming online. We also dropped 20-25% in reward on some shards for some reason.

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The drop in PRV rewards seems to be localised to shard 5. Shard 3 is now back to normal earnings rate.

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I honestly do not know what happened this past week but my numbers are up quite a lot. I double and triple checked them. Could be because I had to restake some nodes previously and they are now all back earning. I’ll post new numbers in 10 days and we’ll see how it’s going. :money_mouth_face:


Looks like the last rounds high earnings was a fluke. Now back to 84% APR. There has also been a 10% increase in the amount of active validators and I’m getting 78+ Epoch pending times now, so we most likely have an earnings drop coming.


I dont know my exact numbers, but I am definitely seeing a higher “Pending” epoch number after earning. some situations high 60s, something i had not seen before. Pretty sure I am earning less than a couple of months ago.

This is by design and as expected. As the number of nodes increases on the network the rate at which nodes earn decreases.

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About that…

Reduce fixed node dominance from 45% to 34%

When? It was originally scheduled for May this year. :wink:


Yeah @Jared we’re addicted to the purring sound of PRV reward printing now that central banks are doing QT.

Brrrrrrrrrrr ahh. What a wonderful sound.


I’ve started to see earning increases since the block time reduction change. My earning per week has been up despite new nodes being added. This past week was very good, I did 92% in calculated APR. I’m not sure if this is due to some change I missed (forgot about), beacons operating better, or other node operators having problems?

Too bad the crypto market and $/PRV is dropping like a brick, making the $/month per node hit an all time low.


Happy holidays everyone!

One year has now passed since I started recording earnings in detail. It has been a rocky year for crypto (and many parts of the world). $/BTC effectively fell by 66%, but $/PRV beat that by falling over 80%. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If you staked a node a year ago, you had to pay $1767. That stake is unfortunately only worth $305 today. Over the year, your node did however make PRV equivalent of $604. All in all, you lost $858 (-48%). What does that mean? It means you gotta keep running that node! :relaxed:

Now for the good news. The validator network grew by 63% this year, and the Incognito team has been working hard on implementing new features across the board. One thing that has always been important to me is the reliability of decentralization, and we’re definitely moving in the right direction. The most recent change to fixed node dominance is one example. It also has the added benefit of rewarding us node operators. After just a couple of days, I’ve already started seeing an upward earnings trend. It’s not reflected in the statistics yet, but at the start of next year, I will be posting higher numbers again! :partying_face:


Nice post thank you… When u say there is an added benefit to nose operators can you tell me what have you noticed differently

The latest change kept the committee size to 48 slots but reduced the number of fixed nodes from 22 to 16. This means that in every round, an additional 6 slots will be taken from the validator queue instead. What I noticed on my end is that the epoch number displayed by the node monitor decreases, on average, every 1h40m. Resulting in your nodes being in committee more often and ultimately earning more.

At the same time, the number of validators keeps increasing, resulting in lower gains. But so far it’s a hunch that January will be better. I might be wrong. The random distribution of my nodes makes my total earnings very uneven, so it’s hard to tell from day to day. Give me a couple of weeks, and I’ll let you know… :grin:

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Ok thanks bro I appreciate you

March 28, 2022

I’m up to 30.59 PRV/week, that means the 1750 PRV for a node is doubled in 57 weeks giving us 91% APR!!!

Wait, what? Why 57 weeks?

1 year = 52.17 weeks

52.17 * 30.59 = 1595 per year (fluid estimate)

That’s about 91% APR.

So I guess you were thinking 52 weeks, but wrote 57?

Updated in December:

Dec 2022

Active Validators: 3314
PRV/WEEK: 25.10
APR: 75%