Cross Pair on pDEX

This word below what i see, when for the first time i visit

The only crypto exchange that protects your privacy

Stay anonymous when you buy and sell BTC, ETH, USDT, and more. No KYC. No trading histories. Your keys, your ID, your money. Trade with freedom on the Incognito DEX.

But in fact, the user buying and selling privacy on pDEX is limited to buy and sell prv mostly.

Suggested to enable feature mainstream coin to pair such as pETH/pUSDT, pBTC/pUSDT or most top cmc rank on pDEX, more cross pair more better. This option will bring more user to pDEX not just for PRV. But they wanna trading privacy.

And pDex will become the first privacy trading platform in the world.

Automatically, it will be any a good sign to bring new user to incognito and indirect way, it is the cheapest way to introduce prv into crypto influencer. If they find the utility of prv is promising. They will grab it.


Hey @Oerang_Badoey, noted. Cross pair (we call it cross pool) trading will be implemented. It’s already in dev’s backlog.

@andrey excellent… :+1:
i agree if on pDEX , user are freely to add pair in liqudity as what they want. Not just limited pairing with prv. If this kind system implemented will more attarctive to token creator to use pDEX.

And, in order to get benefit or utility for prv. To get the feature above , perhaps something such as to hold min 100 prv. And of course all fee including network fee using prv.

Also, trading fee must be exist even very small. or discount feauter such as many exchanger implemented.

However, spread value between buying price and selling price must not too high. Currently spread value is too high. For example, prv/usdt. Spread is 2%. That is quite high. fairly good is 0.5 max 1 % .

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I agree with both posts…the sooner the better as well…:sunglasses: