Connecting website to Incognito wallet

Let’s say I want to build a website with just 3 things:

  1. Buy button
  2. Sell button
  3. Amount field

The buy button would obviously market buy PRV for the amount stated in field and sell button would market sell it for USDC.

Is it possible to connect this website with Inocgnito android wallet so I can use it inside pdapp browser in Incognito wallet?

If possible, is it too complicated or a simple API drag and drop could work?



Hey @nikolakr, welcome to builders club :slight_smile:

You can build whatever you love and you believe that it will benefit the Incognito community. Here is the instruction on how to start with Builder Rewards: Builder Rewards - what every builder must know!

If you have any question about this program? Send me DM, happy to talk!

Re: Connect your website to Incognito app as a pApp in Browser tab.
Yes, please refer to this SDK: