Coins Conversion and Big Changes in Privacy V2

Hi @Nick_Riedel,

No you don’t.

  • For PRV in Provide, next time you withdraw, v2 coins will be sent to you.

  • For staked PRV, you can convert them next time you unstake.

Does this mean that Privacy v1 transactions “never” will be disabled in contrast to written earlier? For example, I won’t unstake my nodes for at least 3-4 years. Some may not unstake even for many years. Could you clarify the issue? @daniel

Hi @abduraman,

This is not an issue. Only the minting coins (like in case of un-staking) will be allowed to be in v1. And remember that v1 coins will be minted in case you staked a node in Privacy v1. If you stake a node in Privacy v2, and then you unstake, v2 coins will be returned.

Moreover, these v1 coins can only be used to convert (not transfer, or unshield) to v2 coins

I see. So after v1 is disabled, only conversion transactions will be kept enabled. Right?

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Yes, only conversion and v2 txs will be allowed (plus minting v1 for the above-mentioned case)


Hey @daniel,

Did you do any improvement here last week? Previously I had to submit my OTA key to your fullnodes and my local fullnode. However, when I submitted another account today, I got this message from my local fullnode without submitting OTA key.

"-13001: OTAKey XXX has been submitted and status = 2\nFull node cache error"

Does this mean that submitkey RPC is broadcasted to other fullnodes?



This error message indicates that your key has been submitted in the regular mode, and needs not be submitted again.

No, submitkey does not broadcast any keys to other full-nodes.


Please refrain from double posting.

If it’s a failed transaction and there is not a button to retry the transaction then all you can do is wait until support manually looks into the transaction.

Rest assured you will get the coins something just went wrong and needs looked into. I have tagged support on your other post and will update with this information.

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