(Closed) Can’t find my balance

My balance has disappeared, I’m not sure where to look on my dashboard. Can somebody please assist?

What balance are you looking for?

Since this was tagged under Validators help I’m going to make some assumptions here.

It sounds like the missing balance was from a pNode and it was not withdrawn to a wallet. The balance can appear as missing if the node is slashed. However, after some time the full amount of PRV will be deposited into your account. If this is for a pNode then please check if the node has been slashed / offline.

If this is not about a pNode please let me know further details.

Thanks for responding J.

This is my incognito balance in my wallet. It lists like 3 different options but all appear to be at zero. My node is working fine and he as accrued more prv. Hope that helps you help me lol

Ah I see you have a support ticket as well. I’m going to go ahead and close this as a duplicate. Please reply to the support ticket for fastest support.