[Closed] [Auction] Limited Edition pNode Auction #2

Auction extended until 2023-04-02T04:03:00Z

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Auction [CLOSED] with the final bid @ $520 going to @Tempestblack :man_judge:

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Thank you Jared and the community…I am watching Wrestlemania 39 right now…women heavyweight…holy smokes…hell of a battle… :sunglasses: :100: :zap:


Ouch looked away too long lol

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No worries, we still have a few more LE pNodes to auction off.

We will also adjust the start/end time in order to appeal to different time zones.

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Hello Community just wanted to update the folks out there that indeed I got the pnode I was fortunate enough to win in this auction to my delight and hope indeed that other new and existing community members do indeed participate and hopefully win themselves one on the limited edition pnodes that Incognito will be auctioning off in near future…so as for me well this makes my fourth addition to my small family of pnodes I have had the fortunate good luck to have acquired over these couple of years…the first one going back to 2020…couple of pics (see below)…and anytime I have had an issue with any of them, which I rarely do, @Jared and the support team, thankfully, have been there to help me with them…well good luck to all who participate in the next auction…Incognito keep up the great work and thank you once again… :smiling_imp: :zap: :100: :+1: :partying_face: :sunglasses: