Are my 2 Vnodes setup correctly

I am green in the app for both Vnodes but looking at my Dockers stats I see… Have not been paid but its only been 5 days up…

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First few days could be just syncing, its very rare to earn at that stage. Then it is possible to not earn with two nodes for even 10 days.

Make sure they have fee space, thats a common issue for not earning.

Yeah around 260gb should be enough

Then just be patient for a while, you will earn the same as others in the long-run.

For example: My brother was far more lucky when we started running our first nodes. He earned +50 on his first day, then didnt earn for a week :smiley:

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@palumboe1 Did you get paid eventually? I bought a pNode and has been running for 3 days and no earnings yet. Wondering if there is any way to check, if the setup is correct.

Yeah and it takes more time don’t worry