App options + different bridges

Two questions. First will there be a web or desktop version of incognito in the near future, or that some point? The feds could come after sidechains and privacy mechanisms/coins in an attempt to control this market. If incognito ever got taken off the App Store I would be screwed. Can there at least be a paper wallet option? Also matic (polygon) has been upgraded for months at this point with it’s own network. I should have the option to transact on the polygon network and not be stuck with an 100 dollar ethereum fee. Is there anything being done to rectify this?

Yes there will eventually be another wallet other than just via the app. Development into other wallets has been postponed to focus on pDEX v3 which should be released before the end of October.

Yes, fees are high right now. Follow this discussion:

If you have an Android phone the apk file is available here:

So I’ll ask again. Is there an attempt to follow other projects as they optimize? I don’t care about ethereum fees as much as I care about the fact I don’t have the option to transact on the polygon network without leaving incognito. They have 100 million users on their network and I cannot access it from this app. This app is going to be obsolete if it cannot properly accompany the use of Layer 2 solutions

If your “only” concern is about fees, you may use one of Polygon-BSC bridges. So you can access Polygon network indirectly using BSC - Incognito bridge.

How do I use that?

Looking on MetaMask and the smart chain when I search up incognito nothing comes up. I could be retarded?

Metamask is only required for decentralized shielding&unshielding. You may use address generation option. If you insists on using Metamask, you may follow these:

They are for ETH but BSC is also very similar. You should change RPC endpoints of Metamask for BSC.

Bruh I said nothing about insisting to use MetaMask. The process for ETH and BSC are not the same. So there is a bridge for bsc and incognito and specific directions on how to use it? Tried clicking on the video it doesn’t work. This is an absolute joke.