(Answered) Stuck ETH provide withdrawal

I have had a pending ETH withdrawal from provide since 11/23; PRV and BTC withdrawals entered at same time went thru within a couple of hours. Is it normal for different coin withdrawals to have such different time frames or is something stuck by chance?

Transaction ID is 6406964


Hello @mcjon3z,

The app was updated to indicate that withdrawals can take 5 - 7 days. Please continue to wait and message us if it is past 7 days.

Thanks @Jared - my question was really more regarding the logistics and difference in time frames among various coins as opposed to “where’s my money at?”

Appreciate the quick response and all you guys are doing for the community.

This post I made on another topic should help to answer some or all of these questions:

Gotcha - makes perfect sense. Thanks again!