A guide through our new Node UI

Hello all validators,

As the Incognito network grows, so has the need for an improved UI to better manage your Nodes.

This new version will allow you to keep track of your Node’s current status, provide you with helpful instructions on how to fix any problems, and display your rewards more clearly.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s been improved.

What’s new?

1. Balance screen

Displayed clearly at the top of your screen is your total rewards balance across all your Nodes. Just swipe to see your earnings across multiple currencies.

To find out what you need to do to ‘Stake’ and ‘Import’, simply tap on the respective buttons and detailed instructions will appear.

The colorful dots on the side aren’t just there to look pretty. Each of them also has a specific meaning, which we will get into below. :point_down:

2. Node status

If you hold multiple Node accounts, tapping on each one individually will direct you to this screen, where all essential information related to your Node will be displayed. You can also withdraw your Node rewards from this screen.

There are four colored dots that reflect your Node’s current status. Tapping on the information icon at the upper right corner of your screen will show you a summary of what each color denotes.

  • Blue :large_blue_circle: : Your Node is currently creating blocks and earning.

Your Node is now working to create blocks, validate transactions and earn rewards. It will continue to do so for at least 2 epochs (8 hours). Learn more about the validator cycle here.

  • Green :green_circle: : Your Node is online and waiting to be selected to create blocks.

All Nodes have an equal chance of selection. Numbers may vary in the short-term, but will even out over time through random uniform distribution. See the algorithm of probability for selection.

  • Orange :orange_circle: : Your Node is in the process of unstaking.

Your Node will complete the unstaking process the next time it is randomly selected to create blocks. As such, unstaking times may vary.

  • Grey :white_circle: : Your Node is not active. Tap on it for instructions on how to bring it online again.

Detailed Node status-related tutorials on how to troubleshoot any problems will be released in the future. Do look out for them.

3. Get a Node

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. If you don’t already have a Node, or wish to acquire another, you’ll be able to buy one in-app with privacy coins.

4. Add a Node

Adding a Node is easy. From your balance screen, tap the ‘+’ button on the upper right corner of your screen.

If you have a Node Device, simply plug it in. Once you see a blue light, you’re good to go.

If you’re planning on hosting a Node Virtual instead, we’ve got more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do so here.

5. Remove a Node

Removing a Node from your screen is as simple as swiping left on the specific Node. Tap on ‘Remove’ button and your Node will be removed.

:warning: Do note that removing a Node doesn’t mean unstaking one. For more on unstaking, refer to point 6 below. :point_down:

6. Unstake

For both Node Virtual and Node device operators, we’ve updated the unstaking message to better reflect the duration of the unstaking process. Unstaking cannot be reversed once you begin the process.

For Node device owners, after the unstaking process finishes, you will have an option to stake your node with your own 1750 PRV.

7. Change WiFi networks for your Node Device

This update now allows you to change WiFi networks for your Node device right from the Node screen.

From the Node details screen, tap ‘Change Wi-Fi’, fill in your new wifi information, and click ‘Update’.

Check out how to get the latest firmware for Node Device >

Check out how to update WiFi for Node Device >

Tell us what you think!

We hope this updated UI will provide a better Node experience for all operators.

We’d love to hear any questions, feedback, comments or suggestions on how this can be improved. Leave a comment below, or reach out to me directly via my DMs.

Happy staking!


Great work, thanks!

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good compilation. thank you :brain:

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Welcome to the community Brain… :sunglasses:

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