(Solved) 2nd node restart error

My 2nd node keeps restarting. At one point I had them both up and syncing (full sync, no bootstrap) until I realized 250GB wasn’t enough so I started fresh on 500GB SSD. I bootstrapped a full node for inc_mainnet_0 just in time to make it through committee. I can’t seem to get inc_mainnet_1 to stay up.

Stop the node, delete all files under /home/incognito/node_data_1/, then start the node. It should show up on monitor.incognito.org after ~5 minutes. If it is syncing like normal then go ahead and bootstrap the node.

To speed things up you can shut down your inc_mainnet_0 and copy the beacon data. If the shards are the same you can copy the data, if not then bootstrap.

Tried this again, still restarting. I’m getting close to deleting the good node and starting everything from scratch

OK guys it was an outside issue. My scanner was inputting the QR code wrong for the 2nd node

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